Saturday, October 6, 2007

My Mission Should I Choose to Accept It

I am excited and scared to be here. Here's a little about my journey:

Getting here: The drive from Winchester veered through Dulles Airport (opposite direction than Pittsburgh). This was Ed Daley's way of reminding us to welcome international guests to the conference. He asked us to pick up Luba, who arrived from Slovakia. Even though she had been up for hours travelling, she was a delight to meet. To keep us awake on the drive here, Craig, a co-worker, and I quizzed each other on state capitols. (I was right. Denver, not Boulder, is the capitol of Colorado, Craig).

Being here: So far so good. One of my favorites today is the Virginia booth. I like seeing my friends from Virginia. The 2008 conference will be in Richmond, VA. The booth is complete with a large replica of a sailing ship that arrived in Jamestown, Virginia peanuts for the taking, travel guides, and lots of friendly people from Virginia. (Craig, you made up for Colorado by carrying the 30 lb. box.)

My mission should I choose to accept it: Meet lots of people--network. This is no small feat for me, someone who is shy and relatively new to the profession. Plus, I have a goal that requires me to be bold: find my next job. For the last two years I have been an ICMA Local Government Management Fellow/Assistant to the City Manager in Winchester, VA. Now, it is time for me to leave the nest and move on.

I'm told the ICMA Conference is a good way to do a lot of networking in a very short time. Yikes! What do I say?and Great! People I want to meet are right here! Fortunately, people like Bob Stripling, Linda Barton, and Bobbi Peckham have given me some good tips. However, in the end, it's up to me to take the initiative. I'll keep you posted on my adventures.

I would like to thank Anne, another co-worker, for suggesting the title to this blog.

Blogging question: I made a few notes before I wrote this but someone (ok, it was Craig again) told me blogging is supposed to be stream of consciousness. Can I get a ruling on this?



Laura Fitzpatrick said...

I have no idea...I am completely new to blogging....I think thoughts in any format are okay....I made my 1st post like a letter or email message...

Today is Reality said...

I think the beauty of blogging is that there is no "right" way. Sometimes I have at least a mental outline, other times I just let it rip.

Comments I have received are that both are effective (or not).

Have fun at the conference. I went to the "Emotional Intelligence" University Workshop and it made my entire trip worth it and I'm just getting started!