Tuesday, October 9, 2007

My Top 20 Thoughts on the 2007 Conference

Since I haven't officially blogged since I arrived in Pittsburgh, I thought that I would share my top 20 thoughts on the conference:

1. Dallas-Fort Worth needs to relocate to an ocean or to a location with hills/mountains pronto. The downtown view from our restaurant on Mt. Washington was amazing.

2. The ceiling in my hotel bathroom is a vinyl headliner of sorts - I've never seen that before. It sort of flexes like Jell-O when you touch it.

3. Daniel Pink is as good a speaker/presenter as author. I wasn't really sure what to expect since many times authors aren't the best public speakers. I thought the opening session comments and the subsequent break-out session were great. One of the most enjoyable sessions that I have experienced at a professional conference.

4. When a family member is in a car wreck, it re-emphasizes that work is not the number one priority in your life (and shouldn't be).

5. I never realized how much fun SoHo is....except I'm not in New York.

6. The Monday night Dallas Cowboy win was one of the best games (or finishes) that I have ever seen. I still can't believe that they won. Next week's match-up against New England is going to be a good one.

7. I'm always amazed at the conversations you have at Midnight - I'm not sure how or why a person's toes and camels came up, but whatever.

8. I love a blue moon. I also noticed that our colleagues love a blue moon as well.

9. The Emerging Leaders/Assistants Luncheon gets better every year. Kudos to ICMA for continuing to emphasize assisants at the conference. It's one of my favorite events each year.

10. Kudos to ICMA Planning Committee for getting younger members involved in the conference planning and as conference presenters.

11. I thought Pittsburgh was supposed to be cold......note that I'm from Texas so anything below 70 degrees requires a sweater, gloves, winter coat.

12. One of my favorite things about the conference is reconnecting with old friends and establishing new friendships. I was thrilled to see the folks from my Leadership ICMA class as well my friends Richard Brown and James Fisher from SEI.

13. Meet at least one new person today. I met Bill Fraiser from Montpelier, Vermont yesterday. Turns out we have the exact same taste in music. One of the greatest assets for ICMA is the national and international emphasis - I love having friends in various parts of the country and world. I think it makes you a more well-rounded individual.

14. You don't realize the significance of socks until you don't pack any.

15. You don't realize the significance of a hotel gift shop that sells socks until you realize that you didn't pack any.

16. I think everyone in Pittsburgh owns at least one Steelers jersey. Whether you work as a lawyer or waiter, you are allowed to wear your jersey any day of the week.

17. I love that Pittsburgh built all their sports stadiums downtown. For all those folks who say you can't do it.....come to Pittsburgh because it can be done.

18. You know a conference has good sessions when you have yet to go into the exhibit hall and make 100 laps trying to find free pens (that you will never use) or rubber duckie.

19. Here's the debate topic for today: Was the world better before cell phones, Blackberrys and email? I will say, that my friend's i-phone is pretty awesome.

20. Congratulations to Dr. Bob Bland, Professor and Chair of the University of North Texas Public Administration Department on his award. I know I am biased since I am a UNT grad, but Dr. Bland has contributed so much to the profession during his tenure. I looked around last night at dinner and thought "wow....he has touched so many lives!" He truly has left a significant mark on our profession.

I hope everyone has a great day. I will see you around the convention center.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

does anyone else find it disturbing that Stephen is touching his hotel bathroom ceiling?